Find out if now is the right time to refinance! You may be able to reduce your monthly payments or reduce the life of your getting a lower interest rate or a new loan term. You may also be able to save even more if you use your refinancing to pay off credit card debt or other installment-type loans. That's because interest on your mortgage is tax-deductible, and the interest on other loans is not. Here are some key reasons to consider refinancing:

  • Get out of a high interest rate loan to take advantage of lower rates
  • Convert an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed-rate loan
  • Convert to a loan with a shorter term in order to build up equity more quickly
  • Pull cash out for family needs and expenses

The advantages we offer you for your refinancing needs are:

  • Low rates
  • Easy online application
  • All types of mortgage programs
  • Guidance & advice from an experienced Mortgage Planner

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